Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What's the requirement of the paper format?
Answer: Please click on "Papser Submission" to download the template.
Question: What's the limit for page counts?
Answer: Normally we expect the paper no more than 10 pages. If the paper exceeds 4 pages, the extra fee will be required.
Question: How many papers can be submitted by each account?
Answer: Each account could handle 5 papers at most.
Question: What's the discount policy ?
Answer: There is no discount whether you participate in the conference or not.
Answer: Please click on "Papser Submission" to download the template.
Question: What's the limit for page counts?
Answer: Normally we expect the paper no more than 10 pages. If the paper exceeds 4 pages, the extra fee will be required.
Question: How many papers can be submitted by each account?
Answer: Each account could handle 5 papers at most.
Question: What's the discount policy ?
Answer: There is no discount whether you participate in the conference or not.
Contact Us
Tel: +66-2-273 0659
Secretary: Mr. Patiparn
Conference History
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: Sep. 30, 2023
Camera-ready Paper: Oct. 25, 2023
Registration Deadline: Oct. 30, 2023
Conference Date: Nov. 24-26, 2023
Conference Photos